The Newest Life Changing Addition to My Morning Routine

Over the years I’ve listened and read about people’s love of journaling.  I’ve purchased the most beautiful journals and vowed to finally begin this new practice.  But for whatever reason, I just couldn’t get myself there.  It wasn’t that I needed more convincing…cuz I didn’t.  I had heard successful leaders talk about how journaling had helped with their anxiety or how it made them more creative and focused.  People told me it was one of their most loved practices.  The act of journaling connected them to their truest self.  It seemed that every person I looked up to professionally and spiritually journaled.  I knew there were many benefits to the practice.  I just couldn’t get myself to try it…even when I stared at my brand-new beautiful journal.  That is until I was introduced to morning pages.

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My Newest Love – Spa Water!

At this point I think we can all agree that drinking water should be an essential part of your daily routine.  I don’t think anyone would argue with that.  And although I’ve known this for many years that doesn’t mean I’m good at consuming the amount of water I should daily.  In fact, there are days when I barely drink 50% of what is required for my body.  Note – the general rule of thumb is that you should be consuming half of your body weight in ounces of water daily (so if weight 150lbs, you should be drinking 75 ounces or just over 9 cups). I’ve tried all the little tricks to get to me drink more h2o…cute little apps, post it notes, phone alarms…nothing’s stuck.  Spending much more time at home during this whole quarantine thing though got me hooked on my newest obsession – Spa Water!  And let’s just say that this new obsession is not only tasty and good for you but has also majorly upped my water intake game!  Here are some of my favorite combos.

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My Two Morning Routine Non-Negotiables

My morning routine has changed so much over the years.  For a long time, it used to consist of hitting snooze a million times until I was “running late”, jumping into the shower, putting on a 5-minute face and running out the door with just enough time to stop for a cup of caffeine before work.  It was a frazzled way to begin your day…and to be honest, the rest of the day didn’t look much different.  Fast forward and now I have fully embraced a slow morning.  I never hit snooze and often wake up on my own without the need for an alarm.  I take my time in the morning and I thoroughly enjoy it.  I’ve found my days feel better too.  But over the last several years, I have found two morning routines that are MUSTS each and every day.  I just don’t feel the same if I don’t do them.  The best part…they don’t take much time.  In fact, one only takes a few seconds and is life-changing.  So, without further ado…

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What I’m doing now to support my immune system to prevent Covid!

Well who would have thought we would be facing a pandemic in 2020 that’s required us to quarantine and shut down the economy?!  Definitely not me.  With that said, this post isn’t really about Covid because honestly there are enough resources out there if you want to research all about the virus.  This post is about boosting and supporting your immune system…something we should be doing consistently but especially during the times of year where bacteria and viruses are spreading.  Here are the ways I’m supporting my immune system in hopes of preventing Covid and anything else that may be lurking in the air.

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Allergies got you down? My Top 5 Tips to help you get thru this season!

You wake up and immediately you’re sniffling and sneezing. You keep rubbing your itchy and watery eyes. Got allergies? Yup it’s officially that season here in the NYC and who has time for dealing with all that yuckiness when all you want to do is finally spend some much-needed time outside after a long cold winter. I have some great tips and tricks to help you through this dreaded time. So, let’s just jump right into it…

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Kicking off my A.M. with 8 oz of H2O…Does it help my “flow”?

Consistent water intake is a challenge for many, including myself. I can’t tell you how many phases I’ve gone through in the last 10+ years where I’ve woken up and said “ok, I’m really going to be more mindful and measure how many glasses of water I drink each day”. It lasts a day…maybe two and then life gets in the way and I forget about my goal until months later when I wake up sick and tired of feeling “dry” and say the same thing again. Am I the only one?? Why is it such a struggle?!

So instead of the typical, “let me try and get 8 solid glasses of water in me a day”, I decided to try one small change each day to see if it made me feel better.

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New Year – A WELLthier You!

All of a sudden, the clock strikes midnight on December 31st and the first thing people think about is all the things they want to accomplish in the new year. Well…maybe not the very first thing. For many it may be more like…”how am I going to survive this hangover tomorrow”…but that’s another story for another time. Ok so maybe it’s the second thing you think about but regardless when you think about it…inevitably your mind goes there. For some reason, the new year brings upon all these expectations for ourselves, internally from our minds and externally from society. Lose weight. Workout more. Be happier. The list goes on and on. I have to admit, I, myself, am not a new year’s resolution type of girl. I adhere more to the “every passing moment is a chance to turn it around” type of philosophy. But I recognize that I may be in the minority. So, in an effort to support those who love to kick off the year with making some changes and creating better habits, I thought I would share some simple tips that everyone can ADD to their life in hopes of making it better in the new year. New year…a WELLthier you!

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