Are You Looking to Heal, But Struggling to Take Care of Yourself While Juggling Your Career, Family, and Social Life?


Now You Can Get Your Own Customized Roadmap for Conquering Each Day While Looking and Feeling Your Best

No More Quick Fixes. Develop a Healthy Sustainable Balanced Lifestyle…Free of Obsession and Deprivation.

Hi, Michelle Cassidy here...

I spent the last 10+ years being passionate about health, which led me to becoming a certified wellness coach.

But I wasn’t always a model for healthy living.

Far from it, in fact.

Maybe you can relate...

I spent years overworked and overstressed...while neglecting my most basic nutrition and exercise needs. 

Thinking about my health seemed like a luxury I couldn’t afford.

I started working low-paying jobs at the age of 14. I didn’t have the money to go to college, making it even harder to move ahead in life.

After years of hard work, I was able to get some breaks...earning a demanding 6-figure corporate job in New York City.

Despite making more money, I still didn’t think I could afford to think about my health...

...not that I didn’t have the money.

I felt pressured to maintain the “work hard and play hard” NYC lifestyle.

I tried to be everything to everyone.

I hardly thought about my own emotional needs, let alone my nutritional needs.

I didn’t think I could justify spending the time to take care of me.

Boy, was I wrong...


After 3 Years of Burning the Candle at Both Ends,

I Discovered the Hidden “Cost” of My Busy Go-Getter Lifestyle...

I spent months not feeling well…



...Feeling pain in my stomach.

...Experiencing loss of appetite.

...And some other nasty symptoms that make for awkward dinner conversation.

After multiple rounds of medical tests, I was finally given a diagnosis.

“Michelle, good news and bad news...

The bad news: You have ulcerative colitis. It’s an autoimmune disease and there’s no cure.

The good news: You can manage it by taking medication forever.”

I was speechless.

I hated the idea of taking medicine for the rest of my life.

But after spending years fighting my way up the corporate ladder, I was stubborn. 

I refused to go down without a fight.

Out of necessity, I started putting my own needs first.

I did my best to keep stress in check.

I made simple but profound changes to my eating habits.

I started exercising.

3 years later, I went in for a colonoscopy.

Now, it was my doctor who was in shock.

He couldn't believe what a difference these changes had made in my health.


Hopefully, You Haven’t Received Scary News Like I Did…

But You’ve Probably Experienced Other Consequences of Not Making Yourself (and Your Health) a Priority...

Watching your health spiral out of control and feeling like you don’t have the time or energy to do what it takes to heal.

Feeling like you’ve lost your “spark” and wrestling with your own lack of motivation.

Struggling to feel confident and focused during important meetings because you’re self-conscious about your appearance.

Feeling like you’re giving your job ALL your energy and struggling to find the energy to go out with friends or tend to non-career responsibilities.

Watching yourself engaging in unhealthy eating (and/or drinking) habits but feeling afraid that changing would ruin your social life.

Feeling emotionally drained and constrained by unhealthy relationships.

Spending most of your time tending to tasks that feel like burdens while struggling to find any time for what you love and what brings you joy.

Feeling stressed and anxious… constantly feeling like you’re not living your life on your terms.


Let’s Be Honest…

You Don’t Want to Sacrifice Your Ambition to Heal.

I get it.

You want to be Wonder Woman and “have it all”.

I do too.

That’s why I know the typical approaches to health and fitness don’t cut it for women like us.

Most diet and exercise advice is destined to fail because it’s too focused on just diet and exercise.

If you’re overwhelmed all the time, advice like “start running on the treadmill 3 times per week” or “eat less sugar” can be useless.

It’s really tough to add NEW lifestyle obligations on top of an already stressful lifestyle.

The so-called “quick fixes” take too much time out of your jam-packed schedule.

Most health and fitness programs don’t take your hectic life into account.

And if they do, it’s generic and superficial stress-relief advice.

That’s Why I Created My Burnout-to-Balance System

After overcoming my health scare and becoming a certified wellness coach, I started thinking…

Most advice on achieving a more balanced life isn’t meant for people like us… high-performing career-focused women.

It’s meant for women who are okay with being average.

Balance for us isn’t necessarily about becoming less busy…

Balance is about wisely channeling our time and energy so we can become more effective at reaching our goals in all areas of our lives.


Burnout-to-Balance Isn’t Another “Just Eat Less and Exercise More” Program.

It’s a 3-Pillar System for Building The Life You Want Life From the Inside Out.

PILLAR #1 Make Yourself a PriorityWith the simple and effective strategies from this pillar, you will learn to create effective boundaries. This will protect your time and help you achieve the ever-elusive “work-life balance”. By becoming more selec…

Make Yourself a Priority

With the simple and effective strategies from this pillar, you will learn to create effective boundaries. This will protect your time and help you achieve the ever-elusive “work-life balance”. By becoming more selective about which obligations you take on you can avoid feeling overwhelmed and the temptation to give up your health goals. You’ll also develop easy rituals for self-care and learn how to set your days up for success.

PILLAR #2 Navigate Stressors and Confidence KillersWhere Pillar #1 focuses on creating boundaries with your time, Pillar #2 focuses on creating boundaries with your emotions. Protecting yourself from toxic relationships. Discovering how to stop feel…

Navigate Stressors and Confidence Killers

Where Pillar #1 focuses on creating boundaries with your time, Pillar #2 focuses on creating boundaries with your emotions. Protecting yourself from toxic relationships. Discovering how to stop feeling responsible for other people’s happiness. Learning to let go can bring more focus and mental energy towards taking care of your own needs.

PILLAR #3 Nourish Your Body With Movement & Healthy EatingIt might seem counterintuitive, but most of your weight loss results will actually come from the 1st two pillars. By establishing boundaries with your time and emotions, you’ll naturally …

Nourish Your Body With Movement & Healthy Eating

It might seem counterintuitive, but most of your health results will actually come from the 1st two pillars. By establishing boundaries with your time and emotions, you’ll naturally set the stage for better eating and movement habits. That said, by identifying the areas where your health habits have the most room for improvement, we can accelerate your progress.

This pillar can include, but isn’t limited to…

● Eating more whole foods for steady energy and weight stabilization without deprivation.

● Using movement to recover from stressful days and recharge your batteries.

● Reading and understanding ingredients on nutrition labels.

● Maintaining a strong immune system so your body and mind can keep performing at their best.

Here’s What You Get in My Burnout-to-Balance Program

  • 100% customized roadmap based on your goals and your unique challenges. This means you will always be working on the lifestyle changes that will make the biggest difference for you. By focusing on the most important areas, you’ll be able to make BIG changes but they won’t feel like a burden on top of your already demanding life. Instead, they’ll actually help you to experience less stress.

  • 1-on-1 phone coaching sessions. Bi-weekly, you’ll get laser-focused on your goals as we figure out how to bring more balance to your life. By setting aside the 50 minutes for these calls, you’ll practice making yourself a priority in your own schedule.

  • A coach who cares (and understands). I know what it’s like to be a woman trying to make a name for herself while having too much on her plate, but I don’t pretend to know everything. I want to learn all about your struggles and experiences so I can guide you on the best path forward.

  • Email summaries of coaching sessions. Let’s be realistic… whenever we wrap up one of our 50-minute coaching sessions, you’re probably going to dive right into the next thing on your schedule. But you don’t have to fear forgetting what we covered because I’ll send you a complete recap via email. If you ever need a refresher on anything we talked about, you’ll find it right there in your inbox.

  • Unlimited email/text support between sessions. I never want you to feel like you’re on your own. Whether you need tips, tricks, or a motivating nudge in the right direction, I’m always just one email or text away. You can expect a response from me in 12 hours or less on weekdays (and 12-24 hours on weekends). But typically, if you email me during regular business hours of Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm Central time USA, I'll get back to you right away (unless I'm on the phone with another client.)

Here Are Some Benefits You May Experience From Going Through Burnout-to-Balance With Me

  • Stabilize your weight and tone-up without deprivation or unrealistic demands placed on your time.

  • Feel refreshed and renewed each morning, ready to attack your goals for the day with enthusiasm.

  • Crush your career goals (and look fabulous as hell while you ascend the corporate ladder.)

  • Build physical, mental, and emotional endurance so you can perform your best from 9-5 and still have energy left for fun and other responsibilities at night.

  • Maintain a satisfying social life while adding in new healthy habits.

  • Cultivate stronger relationships that enrich your life rather than define or constrain you.

  • Spend more time doing what you love (and less time tending to joyless obligations.)

  • Experience inner peace as you do your own thing and live life on your terms.


Here’s What Other Women Are Saying


“Michelle has a beautiful and unique gift of asking powerful questions and listening with non judgment to her clients. She effortlessly creates a safe, compassionate space for her clients to connect dots and have powerful breakthroughs. I have been working with Michelle for the past year and am thankful beyond measure for our time together.

Michelle has helped me identify areas in my life that have been requiring attention and has been a supportive champion throughout the entire process. These areas ranged from identifying energetic leakages in my life, energy and time management skills, meal planning hacks, kitchen appliance upgrades to most recently drastically changing my diet to the autoimmune protocol (AIP). She has empowered me to ask better questions at doctor appointments and is the ultimate advocate for greater health and wellness. Michelle is a wealth of information and I can’t imagine being on this healing journey without her.”

- KB, California



“Michelle is a fantastic coach who listens well and cares. She asks great questions and helps you break down goals into doable steps.

Michelle also has an amazing way of not pressuring you and yet getting great results.  In 3 short months, she helped me get my confidence back and I lost 9 lbs in the process.

She was always prepared for our calls and checked in weekly to see how I was doing.  She really made a difference in my life. I would recommend her in a heartbeat.”

- Leah, Vancouver, Canada



“Michelle was able to help me focus on working ON my life, not just being IN it!

She helps you gain a clearer understanding of where you are, and slow you down to help create a path to where you want to be! I highly recommend her!"

- Jillian, Saratoga, NY



“During my first meeting with Michelle, one of my long-term goals was to get pregnant and start a family with my husband. Funny enough, that long term goal came a lot sooner than expected. I do not feel I would have cruised through my pregnancy as well as I have without Michelle’s guidance and support. Learning I was pregnant was stressful enough, let alone going through all the mental and physical changes to my mind and body.

The most rewarding part of my journey with Michelle was improving my emotional wellness by being aware of balance. She helped put personal and professional challenges I was working through into perspective.

If you want to gift yourself with an amazing wellness coach who will put you first and hold you accountable to achieving your goals, Michelle is your girl! She has helped improve my life and to me, that gift is priceless.”

- Erica, Westfield, NJ


Ready to Take the Next Step?

Here’s How to Get Started

If you’re ready to stop feeling like a hamster on a wheel and finally make yourself and your health a priority, I would love to help.

Burnout-to-Balance is a comprehensive 3-pillar system. You won't just be moving towards your health goals... you'll also be building the life you want from the inside out.

You deserve to look and feel your best… full of life and energy with a healthy lifestyle that lets you perform at your best.

Since Burnout to Balance is a 100% customized 1-on-1 coaching program, there are only a few spots available.

To see if we’re a good fit for each other and if the program is right for you, let’s hop on the phone for a 30-minute discovery session.

If we are a good fit for each other and the program is right for you, we can talk about options for moving forward. 

If not, we’ll still have a pretty nice chat :-)

There’s absolutely no catch. I just want to make sure I'm signing up people who are truly interested in the level of service I provide and are not just looking for a cookie-cutter “quick fix” program.

Likewise, I want you to have 100% confidence that I’m the right coach for you. You can ask me anything you want about our hypothetical future coaching relationship so you can make a fully informed decision.

Sound good?

Schedule Your 30-Minute Discovery Session while spaces are still available.


I'm ready whenever you are. Talk to you soon.

