Wellness Coaching for Women With Shit To Do


It all started when…

Hi, I’m Michelle Cassidy.


You open your day planner and you don’t feel that familiar feeling anymore...

The overwhelm is gone and you’re not cringing as you look over your daily commitments that are really just obligations.

Your schedule is under control, your energy is invested where you see fit.

You don’t feel like you’re juggling all the things. Just serenity.

You finish your morning smoothie and catch a glimpse of your own reflection in the window.

You’re looking the best you ever have. And come to think of it...you feel pretty amazing too.

You don’t even feel deprived and you don’t live at the gym.

You’re in total balance, and it feels like bliss.

Pretty cool fantasy, right?

It doesn’t have to be. It can become reality.

I help high-achieving women get back in control of their health and their schedules.

I support women who refuse to be average find balance while smashing their goals.

I know the secret to success is not necessarily being less busy, but being busy doing the things that are right for you.

I coach women to get off the hamster wheel and into the driver seat.


I had a demanding, high-paying corporate job and from the outside, it looked like I had it all... until I didn’t.

I didn’t have my health. I was living a life of obligation, not empowerment.

Something had to give. I became a wellness coach after overcoming the shocking consequences of my own lifestyle.

I didn’t take care of myself and my body paid the price.

I thought I would be forced to take daily medication to manage my health as a result of my choices but I turned it all around.

I needed a transformation and I transformed

I worked hard to come back from that - and I want to help other women who have been in my shoes, the women who want to climb the corporate ladder and live a vibrant life. 

That’s why I made Burnout-to-Balance, it’s the 100% customized way I help women find the balance they crave so they can leave burnout behind and start living life on their own terms.

When they tell you that you can’t have it all, you can just smile politely because you know better.

Ready to learn more?

Discover How Burnout-to-Balance Can Help You Develop A Healthy Sustainable Lifestyle (Free of Obsession and Deprivation)

Worried you’re too busy to make any changes?

Start building momentum towards your goals no matter how jam-packed your schedule is.